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  Volunteer Opportunities


NTBHR has many opportunities for you to share your time, talent, professional skills, and resources with the many needy Basset Hounds in North Texas.

Please read about the many ways you can share your time and talents, and then please contact  volunteer coordinator. 

Sign up for volunteer opportunities here https://www.bassetrescuedfw.org/forms/form?formid=122&siteid=73&contactsformsid=&page=contact  


Have questions?  Email:  communications@bassetrescuedfw.org



Operations: Needs vary

Fostering:  We strive to never turn away a rescue for lack of foster homes.  Be a foster and find out how great these dogs are and feel good about what you do! Please read Fostering Information   on our website to find out if fostering is right for you.

Adoptions Committee:  We need volunteers to process applications, do home visits, and help facilitate adoptions.  Much of this work can be done on your computer, except for the home visits.  This is an easy way to help save more Basset Hounds.  EVERY adopted Basset Hound creates an opening for another dog to come into our program. 

Foster Mentoring: If you have fostered in the past, and are not ready for another Basset at this time, this is a great way you can help!  Share your experience and mentor a new foster.

Pick-Up and Transport: (Most of these opportunities exist during the weekday) Pick-up and Transport a Basset from a shelter to one of our approved Veterinarians or to a foster home.


Here are some other ways you can help

Events:  We need volunteers to help plan and implement our fundraising and community events.  Each year we sponsor two major fundraising events:

  • The Shuffle- Held in the fall of each year, this event requires about 20-30 volunteers to assist with registration, games, contests, raffle, lunch, store, and demonstrations.  This is a great family event, fun in the park for all!
  • Bone Soiree- This is our Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction held in the spring.  We need dozens of volunteers to make the night run smoothly. Volunteers help us gather all of the auction items from businesses to make our evening a success.  This is a great time for "Adults Only" to have a fabulous evening out, AND raise money for our hounds!  

Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design:  We need individuals with desktop publishing skills to help us with our printed publications.  Your creative skills will keep our messages up to date and relevant to the needs of our community and our organization.  Our regular publications include, the Shuffle Flyer, an online Quarterly Online Newsletter, and our Catalog for the Bone Soiree.  Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher and Constant Contact are helpful.


Upcoming/Current Vacancies for Volunteers and Committees

Adoption Coordinator


Website Management (must be willing to use rescuegroups.org formatting)

If you are interested in learning more about any of these positions, let us know. We are happy to answer any questions.

Please contact our volunteer coordinator today at communications@bassetrescuedfw.org

You can help Give Basset Hounds a Second Chance!